Products & Services

Procurement Services

Our value added is our ability to control the supply chain, from the identification and the choice of the supplier to the delivery of the product.

Supplier identification and selection: Sourcing360 has 12 full time sourcing staff. Five dedicate to domestic sup- pliers in Thailand and the balance dedicated to overseas suppliers, mostly in China.

Over 10 years, Sourcing360 has accumulated an extensive database of suppliers and products and is constantly upgrading this database. Most of the procurement is done in China and Thailand, with occasional orders in Asia and in the US and Europe.

Quality control: this is essential. At minimum goods are inspected prior to delivery, to ensure conformity with the orders: specifications, num- bers, references, packing, etc…for technical goods third party inspection services are contracted.

In China we have our own QC partnerships, one operating in Guangdong province and Southern China, the other covering Eastern China out of Shanghai.

Purchasing: Outright purchasing and reselling. Purchasing as a designated buyer.

Logistics and delivery: there are very specific rules and regulations gover- ning in-transit and cross-border trans- port between Thailand and neighbo- ring countries, and many other isolated markets.


